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Testolone RAD 140 vs. Ostarine MK 2866: Are SARMs the only Solution for Quick Gains?

Selective androgen receptor modulators like Testolone RAD 140 and Ostarine MK 2866 have been the newer poisons of choice ever since anabolic steroids became taboo in the bodybuilding community. As precise as the results from these compounds may be, there are several reasons why they do not have FDA approval.

Regardless of warnings from sports associations across the globe, SARMs like RAD 140, MK 2866, and others continue to appear in gym locker rooms. Since RAD 140 and Ostarine are touted to be the ultimate bulking agents, there are new users every day. If you’re here to figure out whether SARMs are a blessing or a curse, this guide will clear up all your doubts.

You are in the market looking for a performance enhancer that could give you exponential muscle growth, strength gains, and maybe even some joint and bone healing. But these SARMs can do that and more. However, there is more to RAD 140 and Ostarine that could put you off them completely.

We won’t leave you hanging, though. If you are still looking for bulking, we may be able to help you find a few legal and natural SARMs that are so much better and safer.

What are Testolone RAD 140 & Ostarine MK 2866?

Let’s get one thing straight from the start – this article does not condone the use of anabolic steroids, SARMs, or synthetic hormones when used as performance enhancers. SARM use is dangerous, illegal, and often addictive.

The details provided are here to guide you in the right direction. Remember, if you ever need assistance, make sure to choose fitness products that are safe and legal.

Testolone RAD 140

Testolone RAD 140 is a SARM that was developed as a possible remedy for breast cancer, low testosterone levels, and muscle wasting caused by cancers or AIDS. It was first devised to be used in testosterone replacement therapy.

Unlike steroids, RAD 140 was designed to attach to androgen receptors in muscle tissue and bone, where it would enhance protein synthesis and boost bone density. In short, it mimics testosterone.

Testolone is still undergoing testing and has not yet been approved for human consumption. However, that hasn’t dissuaded athletes from incorporating the chemical, though.

Clinical studies of the SARM revealed that it could facilitate muscle building, shorten recovery time, promote athletic performance, and even increase strength and endurance in a matter of weeks.

So, Testolone quickly became a bulking agent.

As testing for the SARM is still underway, there is no consensus about the actual dosage. And since the chemical was not developed for anabolic use, there is more ambiguity still. Most users adjust dosages depending on goals and how much the body can take.

A typical Testolone RAD 140 cycle lasts six to eight weeks with a 10mg dosage per day. Some athletes begin at 10mg and slowly work their way up to 20mg by the end of an eight-week period. Experienced users may go as high as 50 mg.

The higher the dose, the quicker and more severe the onset of side effects. Women, on the contrary, should stick to a low dose of 10mg a day.

RAD 140 Testolone is primarily a bulking agent but can also be used for cutting when stacked. A RAD 140 and Cardarine stack could be used for cutting or body recomposition.

However, it is crucial to bear in mind and make a point of the fact that post-cycle therapy is required after every RAD 140 cycle as natural testosterone production is suppressed. 

Ostarine MK 2866

Ostarine MK 2866 is yet another SARM that has been used to support bulking efforts. Initially meant to reverse muscle wasting and bone damage caused by osteoporosis, Ostarine, also known as Enobosarm, became the poison of choice for beginners as it is considered to be milder than most.

Ostarine selectively binds to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, resulting in gaining muscle mass at exponential rates, increased exercise performance, and improved bone density. It has also shown promise as a fat burner.

Ostarine MK 2866 can be used for either bulking or cutting, depending on which stacks you use.

Like RAD 140 Testolone, Ostarine has not completed clinical trials but use of the SARM is just as prevalent among athletes. Owing to the potency of the drug, beginners should stick to a low dose of 5mg a day, while veterans can handle doses of 25mg to 30 mg per day.

An Ostarine MK-2866 cycle typically runs for about three to eight weeks, depending on the purpose of use, that is, bulking or cutting.

Since most stack SARMs for better results, Ostarine is often stacked with Testolone RAD140 for maximum bulking capacity. It is also sometimes stacked with oral testosterone.

Ostarine on its own does not affect natural testosterone levels as much, but when stacked with other SARMs, PCT becomes a must. Following PCT after an Ostarine cycle would do you no harm though.

Benefits & Side Effects of RAD 140 & Ostarine Use

The benefits of using SARMs are, of course, lean muscle mass building, phenomenal strength, and weight loss. However, these benefits come with real side effects, too.

Trials conducted on the SARMs have been on rats so the clinical evidence about the real benefits on the human body is dicey at best. The lists below are based on experiences from users.

Testolone RAD140: Benefits and Side Effects

Testolone RAD 140
BenefitsSide Effects
  • Increases protein synthesis for muscle growth
  • Quick fat loss
  • Promotes vascularity
  • Enhanced bone density
  • Boosts strength & energy production
  • Increases stamina & endurance
  • Stabilizes mood
  • Shortens recovery window
  • Severely suppresses natural testosterone production
  • May negatively influence fertility & sexual performance
  • Mood swings and/or increased aggression
  • Liver damage
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Appetite loss

Ostarine MK 2866: Benefits and Side Effects

Ostarine MK 2866
BenefitsSide Effects
  • Enhanced muscle tissue building
  • Good quality skeletal muscle mass
  • Increases in strength & energy expenditure
  • Improves bone & joint healing
  • Promotes athletic performance, stamina & strength
  • Quick loss of body fat
  • Faster recovery from exercise
  • Nominal suppression of testosterone
  • Acne & poor skin quality
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Headaches and/or migraines
  • Increases LDL cholesterol
  • Boosts estrogen conversion
  • Liver toxicity

Which Is the Best SARM for Building Muscle & Losing Fat?

Let us begin by saying that both research chemicals are potentially dangerous. Information about dose, cycle length, and other details varies since trials on humans have ceased. Hence, there is no real proof from real-life cases.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at what these SARMs can do for you and to you.  Keep in mind that scientific literature regarding them is limited.

Testolone RAD 140 is the more hardcore of the two compounds. Along with increased energy production, you gain muscle mass and lose fat, making it extremely popular.  When following the recommended dose (which too is dicey), the negative effects may not be as severe. A single cycle alone could result in massive gains.

Ostarine MK 2866, on the contrary, is the beginners’ choice. With the same results as RAD 140 but with lesser oomph, this SARM is milder and easier to handle. The negative effects are not as adverse as other compounds, but the potency factor ensures that smaller doses are used. Also, fat loss is a bigger player here, so versatility is a plus.

On a milligram-to-milligram level, RAD 140 is a lot more potent with anabolic and cognitive benefits, while Ostarine has milder side effects and more healing properties. Either SARM would act as a proper bulking agent. But that is just one side of the coin.

The flipside is side effects and unknown long-term health consequences, and the Russian roulette one plays with dosage. There are other problems, too.

Consider that these chemicals are mass-produced for research purposes. There is no check on the purity or quality of the SARMs. Once you buy them, you will use them but could find yourself susceptible to various diseases. Since these chemicals were not supposed to be used for bodybuilding purposes, there isn’t anyone you can complain to.

Then, there are the problems of calculating half-life, dosage, cycles, and post-cycle therapy.

If you plan on competing professionally, you cannot use SARMs to bulk up. If traces are found in your body, you would be disqualified immediately, could lose your ranking from before, and could be barred from competing in the future.

Even though RAD 140 and Ostarine MK 2866 are considered to be among the best SARMs, even outshining bulking results from an anabolic steroid, the risks of use are very loud and real indeed.

SARMs use is not the solution to lean muscle mass building. Since this and other similar information on the web may have already educated you on this, you may find yourself without a fitness aid. But we can remedy that.

Let us introduce you to natural alternative supplements, also known as Legal SARMs.

Steroids and SARMs are a toxic blight in the bodybuilding community. Constant use of these illegal and unsafe performance enhancers has got athletes suffering from a range of consequences – from hair loss to addiction. Whatever the outcome may be, however attractive, no amount of lean mass is worth that sort of trouble.

To combat this problem, top fitness brands like Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have been manufacturing natural alternatives to illegal performance enhancers.

The USP of their supplements is that they use natural ingredients to emulate the anabolic benefits of SARMs but with none of the side effects. With easy oral administration, standard dosage, and no PCT, these supplements are taking the sports community by storm.

In the forthcoming section, we will explore the legal SARM Alternatives in detail and explain how they can help you bulk up legally and naturally.

The Natural Alternatives for RAD 140 Testolone

To recap, the SARM RAD-140 Testolone is known for its potency, excellent muscle-building ability, and bone healing capacity. Keeping this in mind, both Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have created natural options for SARM RAD 140 that manifest the same anabolic result. Only here, the results are achieved without artificially manipulating your body.

The Crazy bulk supplement is called Testol 140 (read complete review), while the Brutal Force aid is called RadBulk (read complete review).

These products are designed to boost metabolism which automatically cuts fat while promoting energy production. This enhances gym performance, resulting in incredible muscle building. With regular use (of at least two to three months), you should be able to see the following results.

What’s best is that these results are all you get – no side effects or health issues would be waiting in the future. Also, PCT is also not required here as testosterone levels are not negatively influenced.

On the contrary, the supplements are designed to promote the natural production and release of the male hormone. So, like science says, the higher the T levels, the greater the anabolic activity you shall experience.

How Do These Legal Testolone RAD 140 Supplements Work?

The key to naturally bulking is providing the anabolic system with the right nutrition. That, plus some antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, only furthers the process.

To keep these wheels turning, both Testol 140 and RadBulk have put together unique, potent, but safe formulae, which are as follows:

Crazy Bulk Testol 140 FormulaBrutal Force RadBulk Formula
Magnesium promotes flexibility, strength, and muscle reflexes. The mineral also supports healthy sleep patterns and immune responses.Acetyl-l-carnitine is an amino acid that switches energy production from glucose to stored body fat, promoting quicker weight loss.
Zinc supports stamina and energy production by increasing oxygen levels. Moreover, zinc is required for protein synthesis and testosterone production.Choline Bitartrate maintains healthy blood lipid levels while also robust liver function. The liver plays a central role in fat storage and use.
Vitamin B6 is responsible for maintaining a healthy metabolic rate and increasing the formation of RBCs and neurotransmitters.Wild Yam aids in maintaining hormonal balance and curbs the aromatization of testosterone. It also provides healthy fiber, which suppresses appetite.
Vitamin D3 is known as the steroid hormone as it increases testosterone production. D3 is needed for healthy bones and calcium uptake in the body.DMAE Bitartrate or Dimethylaminoethanol is often added to fitness supplements as it increases energy production and increases the rate of protein synthesis.
CLA, or Conjugated Linoleic Acid, increases exercise output and performance whilealso supporting fat burning.Safflower Oil is a rich source of MCTs, which are strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents. It supports vascularity, fat loss, and metabolism.  
Fenugreek increases energy production, stamina, and strength. It also maintains healthy sugar levels.
KSM-66® Ashwagandha is a nootropic agent that improves focus and mood. The herb is also a natural testosterone and fertility booster.
SENACTIV® is a trademarked supplement that supports recovery and energy saving and helps keep strength in reserve.

How to Use Testol 140 & RadBulk?

Unlike anabolic steroids or SARMs, needles are not a part of the equation here.

Crazy Bulk recommends that you take four Testol 140 capsules with water 30 to 45 minutes before lifting and continue use for two to three months.

For RadBulk, Brutal Force suggests two capsules with water 45 minutes before working out. It is best if you take the supplement only on workout days. Keep taking the supplement for at least two months.

Where to Buy These Natural Testolone RAD-140 Supplements?

To buy Testol 140 visit the Crazy Bulk Official Website & Grab the limited-time offer. Click before it’s gone!

To Buy Radbulk click to visit the Brutal Force Official Website. Act fast! Supplies are running low.

A Quick Comparison

To give you an idea of just how different the natural alternatives are to the SARM, RAD 140 Testolone, here is a quick recap of all the information we have.

Testolone RAD 140Crazy Bulk Testol 140Brutal Force RadBulk
PurposeDeveloped as a possible medical remedy for breast cancer, low testosterone levels & muscle-wastingFormulated to emulate the anabolic benefits of the SARM without side effects
  • Results predictable and uniform for all users & all cycles
  • Quick results
  • Not affected by external factors
  • Has nootropic benefits
  • Is safe & legal
  • Formulated using natural ingredients with several health benefits
  • No side effects
  • Can be used while actively competing
  • Easily acquired
  • Clinically tested for safety & efficacy.
  • Has multiple side effects
  • Long-term health consequences unknown
  • Cannot compete professionally
  • Cannot be acquired easily
  • Not recommended for human consumption
  • Results may differ from one user to the next and even across cycles
PCTRequiredNot required
10mg to 20mg4 capsules a day2 capsules on workout days
PriceDepends on source$69.99$59.99
Refund PolicyRefunds unlikely60-day money-back guarantee100-day money-back guarantee

The Natural Alternatives for Ostarine MK 2866

Ostarine MK 2866 may be the milder bulking agent, but it is great at retaining muscle mass and melting body fat. The muscle quality with Ostarine is better, and coupled with enhanced bone health and greater energy, this SARM is the popular choice.

With such demand, Crazy Bulk developed Osta 2866, and Brutal Force created OstaBulk. Using natural ingredients to emulate the anabolic results of Ostarine MK 2866, these natural supplements can be used during your bulking or cutting cycle.

Like with the RAD 140 alternatives, regular use for at least two months is required. And here is what you could see after that time.

The formulae used in Osta 2866 and OstaBulk have been tested for safety and efficacy so there have been no complaints of side effects. However, just to be safe though, you should check with your physician before you start the use of these or any other natural supplements. This is particularly pertinent if you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition for which you are taking prescribed medication.

Both Osta 2866 and OstaBulk are perfectly safe and are just as potent as the SARM Ostarine MK-2866.

How Do These Supplements Work?

Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have spent time and resources to come up with supplements that deliver results similar to Ostarine MK-2866. Even though they incorporate different natural ingredients, the results from either fitness aid are the same.

Crazy Bulk Osta 2866 FormulaBrutal Force OstaBulk Formula
Magnesium & Zinc are used, the benefits of which have been discussed above.Magnesium, Zinc, Fenugreek, Vitamin B6 & D3 have been added, and the benefits have been discussed above.
Southern Ginseng/ Korean Red Ginseng is a medicinal herb that is still used in Asian communities. Ginseng is a natural testosterone booster that also promotes cardiovascular health, immunity, and energy production.
Salacia helps to control weight and fat by using stored fat as an alternate source of energy.Vitamin K1 enhances blood health, bone and joint integrity and improves digestive function.
Fennel promotes healthy digestion and weight management and is also a strong antioxidant.D-aspartic acid, or DAA, raises testosterone production, keeps levels of free testosterone high, and promotes muscle growth.
Cinnamon acts as a thermogenic agent for fat burning, improves the rate of protein synthesis, and puts fat to good use.Nettle Leaf Extract is a powerhouse of nutrients, improves blood circulation, and hastens cell multiplication.
Reishi Mushroom Extract is an adaptogen that increases focus and provides stress relief. It also supports the immune system and helps beat fatigue.Boron Citrate enhances bone and muscle health, function, and performance.
Black Pepper Extract is a thermogenic agent that raises body temperature to promote the melting of fat. It also improves the bioavailability of the supplement.

How to Use Osta 2866 & OstaBulk?

Crazy Bulk suggests that you take four capsules of Osta 2866 with water 30 to 45 minutes before lifting. For full benefits continue use for two to three months, at the least.

Should you decide to try Ostabulk, it is recommended you take 4 capsules 45 minutes before your first meal of the day. The supplement should be taken on both workout and non-workout days. And last but not least, to get the best outcome, stick with it for at least 2 months!

PCT is not required for either supplement.

Where to Buy These Natural Ostarine MK-2866 Supplements?

To buy Osta 2866 visit the Crazy Bulk Official Website. Don’t miss out on the Deals.

Whereas, if you wish to crush your goals with the benefits of Ostarine MK-288 at a lower price, then click here to buy OstaBulk from the Brutal Force Official Website.

A Quick Comparison

To give you an idea of just how different the natural alternatives are to the original SARM Ostarine MK-2866, here is a quick recap of all the information we have.

Ostarine MK 2866Crazy Bulk Osta 2866Brutal Force OstaBulk
PurposeDeveloped as a treatment for muscle wasting & bone damage from osteoporosis.Formulated to emulate the anabolic benefits of the SARM MK-2866 without side effects
  • Results predictable and uniform for all users & all cycles
  • Quick results
  • Not affected by external factors
  • Is safe & legal
  • Formulated using natural ingredients with several health benefits
  • No side effects
  • Can be used while actively competing
  • Easily acquired
  • Clinically tested for safety & efficacy
  • Has multiple side effects
  • Long-term health consequences unknown
  • Cannot compete professionally
  • Cannot be acquired easily
  • Not recommended for human consumption
  • Results may differ from one user to the next and even across cycles
PCTRequiredNot required
Dosage5mg to 30mg4 capsules a day4 capsules a day
PriceDepends on source$69.99$47.99
Refund PolicyRefunds unlikely60-day money-back guarantee100-day money-back guarantee

Summary & Verdict

Testolone RAD-140 and Ostarine MK-2866 are selective androgen receptor modulators, which are, in short, research chemicals that are often incorporated into bulking phases. They are potent compounds that promote decent muscle gains, burn fat, and increase athletic performance.

But unfortunately, these SARMs are also dangerous, riddled with side effects, and illegal for human use. And you would not be allowed to compete professionally with either SARM found in your bloodstream.

So, for healthy, safe, and natural bulking supports, the natural alternatives developed by Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force are the better choice. They have no negative consequences of use, are legal, have fixed dosage, are proven, and even offer a refund policy should the results not impress you. 

So, as experts, we totally think that going with natural supplements is the best choice!

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